What Really Matters?

Your job and relationship status seems to be the only things that matter to people. Whenever I see family for the first time in ages, or meet someone new, the only things they ever seem to ask is;

“So, what do you do?”


“Do you have a boyfriend?”


“When are you getting married?”

Bitch, like I have nothing better to be doing with my life!

I mean sure, it would be kinda cool to have the perfect job, the perfect relationship, live in a castle, surrounded by ponies, unicorns and rainbows. But is that going to happen?


There are so many other things out there. My first and only ‘boyfriend’ (kinda but not really, if you’re reading this sorry hun), couldn’t believe I’d never been in a relationship, that I was a virgin, and that I had no real burning desire to change that. Maybe, just maybe, I had other more important things going on in my life? My mind wasn’t constantly looking for someone, please mind my language, to fuck. That may seem strange to some people, whose whole life is revolved around being with someone. I guess when I was younger, my family, my friends and just surviving school were kinda my main priorities. Getting good grades so I could get that incredible job when I left education.

However here I am three and a half years later and I have no idea what I really want to do. People say to me, I thought you wanted to go into fashion, why don’t you do that. Oh yeah, like it’s that fucking easy. I’ll just quit my job and go follow my dreams, if that even still is my dream. It’s not like I need money to pay bills and live or anything.

There is so much pressure on young people to live this perfect life. But for the very very very few people who do end up with the most brilliant career, living in the big house, married with six children, and surrounded by money, are they really truly happy?

I guess that’s what it really comes down to. Instead of painting this perfect picture for people to base their life on. We should look for what we really want. If you want to work at the ‘shitty’ job on minimal wage, live in a tiny flat alone with ten cats and a hamster, then do it.

Screw everyone else telling you to strive for some fancy dancy glittery life. That sounds hella stressful to me.

Your relationship status and job title, is not your identity and not the only things to concentrate and worry about. Those other things, the little small joys in life are what really make life worth living.

At least it is to me beech.

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